Barriers to flexibility presented in Athens
DTU gave a first round of talks on the dynamic grid tariffs and flexibility in district heating at the 2nd Hellenic Association for Energy Economics International Conference: The landscape in the new era…
DTU gave a first round of talks on the dynamic grid tariffs and flexibility in district heating at the 2nd Hellenic Association for Energy Economics International Conference: The landscape in the new era of energy transition: Challenges, investment opportunities and technological innovation. The took place in Athens during May 18-20, 2017. To access the conference program, click here.
Daniel Møller Sneum (DTU) spoke about incentives for flexible district heating system in his presentation “Smart regulatory framework conditions for smart energy systems?”. His presentation slides can be downloaded here.
Claire Begaentzle (DTU) explained how introduction of dynamic electricity grid tariffs can improve the flexibility of large scale power-to-heat installations.