Baltic Carbon Forum 2021
Don’t miss this year’s Baltic Carbon Forum – an opportunity to dive into the Baltic Sea’s key questions regarding sustainable carbon cycles, in the company of international expertise. The forum…
Don’t miss this year’s Baltic Carbon Forum – an opportunity to dive into the Baltic Sea’s key questions regarding sustainable carbon cycles, in the company of international expertise. The forum will take place on October 15th at 09.00–17.00 (CEST) on Zoom and focus on strengthening Nordic-Baltic cooperation on carbon capture, (use,) and storage (CC(U)S).

The Baltic Carbon Forum 2021 is part of a long-term strategy driven by BASRECCS – a network of experts and stakeholders in the Baltic Sea Region. This long-term strategy aims at fostering full-scale development of CC(U)S in the Baltic Sea Region as key climate change mitigation technologies.
Critical factors in advancing the CC(U)S technologies are adequate policy drivers and incentives, and the availability of finance. Although the relevant decision-making rests primarily with national governments and the private sector, international collaboration can help to strengthen both of these critical factors. Participants at the forum will get to listen in on experiences, discussions, and brainstorming around topical issues within CC(U)S, as some of the most influential academics, policymakers, and stakeholders are being brought together to exchange knowledge on ongoing projects and activities in the Nordic-Baltic region. What challenges and opportunities are there in the CC(U)S region? And how can future operations and projects be created.
The program is divided into five sessions:
- Regional and Sectoral CCUS Needs
- Practices in CC(U)S Policy and Regulatory Frameworks
- CO2 Storage Options, Potentials and Capacities
- State of Play
- Identifying Options for Strengthening Regional and International Collaboration on CCUS