Baltic and Russian participants to join research programme
In January 2012 Nordic Energy Research launched a call for Russian and Baltic researchers to join the existing Sustainable Energy Systems 2050 research projects. Information about the call was spread…
In January 2012 Nordic Energy Research launched a call for Russian and Baltic researchers to join the existing Sustainable Energy Systems 2050 research projects. Information about the call was spread via the offices of the Nordic Council of Ministers in the region, through the project leaders under Sustainable Energy Systems 2050 and through Baltic/Russian contacts in Nordic Energy Research.
13 new researcher to join the projects
We received 23 applications from the three Baltic states and Russia. Mid March the project leaders were involved in selecting the participants to join the projects, and seven research projects will have all together 13 new participants from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia or Russia.
The new participants will undertake additional tasks in the projects and attend all project meetings. They will be funded by Nordic Energy Research with approximately 8 million NOK in total for their involvement in the Sustainable Energy Systems 2050 projects. There will be from one to three Baltic or Russian participants in each of the involved projects.
The project leaders and the new Baltic/Russian participants are currently finalizing their contractual documents to formalize the cooperation.