Aviation side-event, Nordic Pavilion at COP-24
Aviation is a major and growing emitter of CO2. Aviation emissions in Europe have doubled since 1990. Without action, global aviation emissions could double or triple by 2050. Will CORSIA…
Aviation is a major and growing emitter of CO2. Aviation emissions in Europe have doubled since 1990. Without action, global aviation emissions could double or triple by 2050.
Will CORSIA (Carbon Offsetting Reduction Scheme for International Aviation) be sufficient to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement? This event focused on what kind of policies is needed to achieve deep emission reductions within the aviation industry. We will also discuss offset measures, alternative aviation fuels as well as electrification of aviation.
This event focused on what kind of policies that is needed to achieve deep emission reductions within the aviation industry. The environmental integrity of offset measures, alternative aviation fuels as well as electrification of aviation was discussed.
Svend Søyland from Nordic Energy Research moderated the discussion and also presented recent developments in the Nordic countries regarding blend-in requirements and other initiatives to reduce aviation emissions, such as electric aviation. He also presented some of the findings from the recent “Nordic Workshop on Sustainable Aviation Fuels“ held on 20th November 2018 in Copenhagen.
Nordic Aviation – a frontrunner in emissions reductions?
Yue Huang from IATA presented the CORSIA and how it aims to stabilise net CO2 emissions from international civil aviation at 2020 levels. The aviation sector is committed to reduce its net CO2 emissions to half of what they were in 2005, by 2050. The aviation sector will advance technology, operations and infrastructure to continue to reduce the sector’s carbon emissions. Offsetting is not intended to replace these efforts.
Carlos Calvo Ambel from Transport&Environment presented a recent study “Roadmap to decarbonising European aviation“. Aviation is a major and growing emitter of CO2. Aviation emissions in Europe have doubled since 1990. Without action, global aviation emissions could double or triple by 2050. Will CORSIA be sufficient to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement?
2050 Aviation decarbonisation.
Other relevant links/reports:
Electrifying aviation in Norway?: https://avinor.no/contentassets/c29b7a7ec1164e5d8f7500f8fef810cc/jan-otto-reimers_green-future-as_oslo-22-march-2018.pdf
International Air Transport Association explains CORSIA: