About WP1: Bioenergy and links to agriculture & LULUCF in a Nordic context
Bioenergy and links to agriculture & LULUCF in a Nordic context is the first work package (WP1) out of four within the programme Nordic Energy Outlooks (NEOs). The project runs…
Bioenergy and links to agriculture & LULUCF in a Nordic context is the first work package (WP1) out of four within the programme Nordic Energy Outlooks (NEOs). The project runs from September 2021 to March 2022 with a funding of 1.5 million NOK.

The participants in WP1 explore and describe the role of bioenergy in the Nordic energy system. How can topics like resource potentials, goal conflicts and synergies with other environmental or other objectives, LULUCF calculations, and other issues, be implemented in an energy system analysis? How will different methods and assumptions affect the results, and what consequences will these findings have for the energy system?
The results from the work package provide more knowledge on the role of bioenergy in the energy system, as well as the various challenges and benefits of using bioenergy. A Nordic perspective is investigated. In February 2022, the final report from WP1 was published, addressing topics such as expansion of existing datasets to better represent the Nordic area, improvements of resource potentials and utilisation, and emissions factor calculations.
Participating institutions
Read more about the structure of Nordic Energy Outlooks (NEOs) here.
Read more about WP1–4 in the NEOs call here.