About the Nordic or Nordic-Baltic PhD and Researcher Mobility Programme
Nordic Energy Research is offering support for Nordic or Nordic-Baltic PhD and researcher mobility in the following key areas: digitization, development of the electricity market, energy storage, transport, bioenergy and…
Nordic Energy Research is offering support for Nordic or Nordic-Baltic PhD and researcher mobility in the following key areas: digitization, development of the electricity market, energy storage, transport, bioenergy and CCUS.
A total of NOK 12,7 million is available for this programme. Of this, NOK 2.7 million is reserved for partners in Nordic-Baltic projects.
The aims and objectives of the PhD and researcher mobility projects are:
- to develop, facilitate and create a more concrete framework for collaboration and co-operation between higher education institutions, research institutions and industry in the Nordic and Nordic-Baltic regions
- to offer support to PhD and research projects in the key areas: digitization, development of the electricity market, energy storage, transport, bioenergy and CCUS
- to help students and researchers to create useful networks.

Background and previous calls
The Nordic or Nordic-Baltic PhD- and Researcher Mobility Programme was initiated in 2018, at the request of the Nordic energy ministers and the suggestion of Jorma Olilla.
With this programme, Nordic Energy Research hope to concretize the collaboration in energy research between universities and institutions in Nordic and Nordic-Baltic regions through mobility and networking grants.
The programme was further developed, and in September 2019, the Board of Nordic Energy Research effectuated the programme.
Ahead of this, the Programme Board of the Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme (JBNERP) had decided to combine the initiatives under action 2 (A Baltic-Nordic Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) collaboration) & 3 (Exchange of energy researchers between the Baltic and Nordic countries) into this common Nordic programme.
Call for proposals 2020
In 2020, a call opened in April, with a submission deadline the 3rd of June 2020, 13:00 (CEST). Read more about this call for proposals here.
Call for proposals 2019
In 2019, a call opened in October, with a submission deadline the 15th of January 2020, 13:00 (CEST). Read more about this call for proposals here.