About Nordic Flow Battery Network
The Nordic Flow Battery Network (NordicRFB) aims to promote collaboration and coordination of flow battery research in the Nordic region through mobility and networking grants to PhD students and researchers. Turku…
The Nordic Flow Battery Network (NordicRFB) aims to promote collaboration and coordination of flow battery research in the Nordic region through mobility and networking grants to PhD students and researchers.

NordicRFB will organize workshops/summer schools/winter schools, and will fund short duration research visits between partners. The main aim of the network is to promote Nordic collaboration and cooperation between the different partners.
Firstly, the network will increase the awareness of the research activities undertaken by the different partners within the consortium. Secondly, it will share, discus and train best practices and methodologies for testing and evaluation of materials, cells, and stacks, with feedback from external stakeholders such as VisBlue. For example, research visits will enable smooth transfer of knowledge and research methodology between different partners. Thirdly, it will foster collaboration in the form of joint and individual projects, funded either by national or international sources.
All the Nordic partners active in the flow battery field will be able to join the consortium. It is envisaged that NordicRFB workshops will continue to be organized even after the ending of this project.