About H2AMN
The project Hydrogen, Ammonia and Methanol in hydrogen hubs in the Nordic region (H2AMN) is part of the programme Nordic Hydrogen Valleys as Energy Hubs. H2AMN addresses how ports, surrounding…
The project Hydrogen, Ammonia and Methanol in hydrogen hubs in the Nordic region (H2AMN) is part of the programme Nordic Hydrogen Valleys as Energy Hubs. H2AMN addresses how ports, surrounding areas, and actors will be able to scale up hydrogen-based fuels in the Nordic region and transition to become fossil-free energy hubs.

The overall aim of this project is to analyze the potential for hydrogen-based fuel pathways (focusing on hydrogen, ammonia, and electro-methanol) in the Nordic region. Based on three case studies of energy hubs, centred around ports in various Nordic locations, H2AMN investigates marine applications and new opportunities for local energy and steel companies. Storage options, such as rock caverns, will be studied and supported by policy and market assessment, as well as scenario and energy systems modelling to clarify the impact for realization of hydrogen-based hubs in the selected cases and on a Nordic level.
Project manager of H2AMN is Joakim Lundgren.