About CCU-Net
The world is facing enormous challenges that threaten the life on planet earth. The increasing amount of greenhouse gases (GHGs, e.g. CO2, CH4) is warming up the atmosphere and consequently…
The world is facing enormous challenges that threaten the life on planet earth. The increasing amount of greenhouse gases (GHGs, e.g. CO2, CH4) is warming up the atmosphere and consequently promoting extreme weather conditions around the globe. Considering these dramatic changes, low carbon economies are addressed in short term and long term by Nordic and European (EU) policies to secure a clean and energy-efficient future of man kind. Carbon capture and utilization (CCU) have been realized as an integral part of achieving a low carbon sustainable future. Technologies for the CO2-capture and fixation into “CO2-neutral” fuels and chemicals are urgently needed.

Based on the expertise of the different partners in the project consortium, the Nordic PhD and researcher mobility project “CCU-Net” will focus on two core research areas:
- Synthesis of tailored adsorbents for CO2 capture and conversion based on porous adsorbents (Metal-Organic Frameworks, zeolites, carbons etc.), the development of advanced shaping technologies, modeling, and testing of adsorbents for CO2 separation, e.g. post-combustion CO2 capture and CO2 capture from raw biogas streams by swing adsorption technologies
- Utilization of CO2 to produce high energy density fuels and chemicals, which have been envisioned as an important research direction for climate change mitigation. Work in this area will focus on tailoring of catalysts for CO2 conversion by a feed-back loop between catalyst synthesis, characterisation, performance testing and mechanistic studies.