NETP 2016 Launched in Finland
The Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives report received a positive reception in Helsinki
The Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives report received a positive reception in Helsinki.
Among the participants was Riku Huttunen of the Ministry of Employment and Economy; Magnus Rystedt of the Nordic Eneironment Finance Corporation; Pasi Hellman of the Nordic Developmeny Fund; Eric Masanet of the International Energy Agency; Tiina Koljonen of VTT; Petteri Kuuva of the Ministry of Employment and Economy; Harri Laurikka of Bioenergy Association of Finland, Miju Westergren of Helsingin Energia; Helena Vänskä of Finnish Petroleum and Biofuels Association; and Jukka Leskel of Finnish Energy Industires.

Riku Huttunen (Finnish Ministry of Economic Affairs), Helsinki, 16th of June 2016

Left to right: Helena Vänskä (Finnish Petroleum and Biofuels Association), Harri Laurikka (Bioenergy Association of Finland), Jukka Leskelä (Finnish Energy Industries), Tiina Koljonen (VTT), Helsinki 16th of June 2016.

Perreri Kuuva, (Finnish Ministry of Employment and Economy)
Helsinki 16th of June 2016.

Tiina Koljonen (VTT) presents NETP findings in Helsinki, 16th of June 2016.