Icelandic Launch of Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016
The International Energy Agency (IEA) and Nordic Energy Research launch Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016 in Iceland

Left to right: Hans Jørgen Koch (Nordic Energy Research), Ragnheiður Elín Árnadóttir (Icelandic Minister of Industry and Commerce), Guðni Jóhannesson (Orkustofnun)
The International Energy Agency (IEA) and Nordic Energy Research have launched Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016 in Iceland. The report presents a comprehensive analysis of the Nordic energy system, tying directly into the IEA’s well-known global energy scenarios. The report’s central scenario offers a pathway towards a carbon-neutral Nordic energy system in 2050, in line with the climate targets of the Nordic countries. The event featured speakers from the energy sector in Iceland and a presentation of the key results, followed by questions from the audience.
Selected Media Coverage:
RÚV 13.06.2016: “Þurfa að ganga lengra í loftlagsmálum”
RÚV 13.06.2016: “Fréttir” (see time code: 12:45 – 15:20)
Creditinfo 13.06.2016: “Ísland getur uppfyllt lofslagssamning SÞ”